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ServAdvisor - Local Service Consumers and Travellers

Key platform advantage is that service consumers around the world will be rewarded for sharing accurate information and high quality reviews about consumed services whereas retailers\ service providers will have a direct access to potential consumers, literary standing at their doors.

Award motivated users are more likely to write a review as soon as the service was consumed, thus significantly increasing the number of total unique personalized reviews. At the same time majority of such reviews tend to be positive. Whereas standard approach is that `not award motivated` service consumers will rather wright a review on most popular sites (i.e. tripadvisor, google, yelp etc.) only when they are not satisfied with the service. Dissatisfaction is the only review motivation for many service consumers. At the same time, satisfied service consumers are not personally motivated to place a review. As a result, many retailers\ service providers have lower review scores than their real quality of service. Our mission is to change that trend.

ServCoins are utility tokens that will become the currency that enables retailers and service providers to utilize this powerful blockchain distributed platform to influence and reward consumers to make smarter choices.

ServAdvisor is a marketing and consumer engagement platform that enables participating brands to incentivize consumers who check their info via App. This becomes a sustainable mechanism for retailers\ service providers to maintain customer loyalty, to provide rich product and promotional information to influence purchase decisions right at the time when the user is actually standing at the door.

Since you are at this very place and want to find a place to eat that fits your preferences, the only possible solution would be to combine your human vision with internet knowledge. That’s where Augmented Reality (AR) as a real-time technology works by overlaying detailed information on user surroundings, including graphics, audio, video, and more, as captured through smartphone cameras and other devices.

The global augmented reality market is set to reach a CAGR of over 65% between 2017 and 2021. That’s according to a new report from Technavio*. The research highlights three key areas of interest in AR. These are mobile devices, smart glasses and head-mounted displays. This year, companies such as Facebook, Apple and Google are all expected to launch augmented reality apps. This is likely to drive the AR market for mobile devices to reach 78% by 2021.

ServAdvisor App comprises of the following main components:
  • Augmented Reality with GPS tracking
  • Artificial Intelligence to optimize users preferences
  • Incentivized service consumers reviews
  • Incentivized advertisements from retailers\ service providers to consumers, standing at their door
  • Wi-Fi passwords sharing module
  • Multi-language advantages
  • Tap to scan
  • ServAdvisor Friends and Experts

For travellers it is not always possible to stay online due to roaming restrictions and high pricing. In order to eliminate that problem we at ServAdvisor plan to implement Wi-Fi password sharing feature that will allow:
  • Share the password from any Wi-Fi network with other people
  • Get incentive in ServCoins for each shared password
  • Use passwords from Wi-Fi networks that are shared by other users of the application
  • Get passwords from the app via either Wi-Fi or 4G\3G\GPRS channels
  • Locate Wi-Fi networks in certain radius from your current location with phone's GPS sensor, download passwords in program's cache and use them even without Internet connection in place
  • Displaying all networks that you have shared
  • ServAdvisor app will know which Wi-Fi works and automatically keeps you off those that don't
ServAdvisor’s original token, the ServCoin (SRV), will be made first on the Ethereum blockchain for the trial phase. Graphene provides basic implementations of the main mechanisms that ensure the blockchain protocol functionality, namely such functions as peer-to-peer interaction, block and transaction storage, current system state aggregation, the possibility to quickly cancel a block chain if it forks.

DPoS. The Delegate Proof-Of-Stake consensus algorithm is one of the most perfect currently available consensus algorithms for blockchain systems. DPoS allows all stakeholders within the network to have a say in who signs the blocks, or to take part in the block signing themselves by putting forward their candidacies. Graphene framework provides most promising uplifts of ERC20
limitations with improved speed of transactions (up to 3 000 transactions per second vs max up to 20 transactions per second in Etherium).

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