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Nowadays, one of the few methods to guarantee that a financial person's legacy can have a lasting influence is setting up a trust fund, a special type of legal agreement that provides a trusted third party with the right to hold and spend assets for the benefit of the trust settlor. Eternal Trusts combines hybrid intelligence and smart contracts to make the model of a traditional trust fund obsolete and provide an alternative, decentralized financial means to make a long-lasting impact. The "eternal" wallets of ET are built on a blockchain and can operate for centuries, turning to expert voting when needed to seek the best providers that can perform the purposes set by the settlors.

Eternal Trusts is a hybrid intelligence platform that manages and spends cryptoassets on your long-term objectives

We believe that hopes of people living today should not vanish and be forgotten: it is important to preserve present generations’ financial, intellectual, and biological heritage and make it matter in the long-term. Nowadays, one of the methods to guarantee that a person’s legacy can have a lasting influence is setting up a trust fund, a special type of legal agreement that provides a trusted third party with the right to hold and spend assets for the benefit of the trust settlor. Although unlike wills, trust funds allow to protect assets from third-party claims and avoid probate, their register systems are currently uncapable of incorporating digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and tokens, the management fees are not affordable for most people, and the range of potential purposes is constrained by the limited expert networks that collaborate with Trustees. 

Eternal Trusts combines hybrid intelligence technology with smart contracts to make the traditional trust funds and fiduciaries a thing of the past. ET represents a decentralized and autonomous financial means capable of making a long-lasting impact according to your own futuristic scenario. The blockchain-based “eternal wallets" of ET can operate for centuries, turning to expert-backed hybrid intelligence to seek the best providers capable of performing the grand purposes set by the settlors, be it supporting multiple generations of their offspring financially, contributing to a global charitable cause, or even extending their lives by preserving their biomaterial for the long-term.

The platform attracts and incentivizes multiple pools of experts, organizations and AI-algorithms that become responsible for constantly decomposing the settlors' long-term objectives into smaller parts and seeking the most reliable providers that can complete them in the most optimal way. Moreover, when a Settlor’s objective becomes feasible, there has to be an excess of funds in management to afford purchasing every necessary component.The platform provides mechanisms that maximize the chance of growth of settlor’s cryptoassets, which are managed according to the most reliable long-term strategies, generating returns from investments in tokenized traditional asset classes. 

One of the important objectives of Eternal Trusts is to become the central hub that stores and guarantees the fulfillment of hopes and ideas of living generations that are not achievable at the moment but can become so in the future. The journey to attaining this goal is spearheaded by a team of leading experts in trust fund establishment, asset management and hybrid intelligence that boasts decades of top-level experience in their respective fields. 

Hopes and ideas of people should not vanish and be forgotten  with time: it is important to preserve present generations'  financial, intellectual, and biological heritage and make it matter in the long-term. Nowadays, one of the few methods to guarantee that a person's legacy can have a lasting influence is setting up a trust fund, a special type of legal agreement that provides a trusted third party with the right to hold and spend assets for the benefit of the trust settlor.

Eternal Trusts combines hybrid intelligence and smart contracts to make the traditional trust funds and fiduciaries obsolete. It represents a decentralized and autonomous financial means to make a long-lasting impact. The "eternal" wallets of ET are built on a blockchain and can operate for centuries, turning to expert voting when needed to seek the best providers to perform the purposes set by their settlors

Eternal Trusts is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that connects several pools of experts working together to fulfill  your long-term objective
  • A Settlor formulates  a long-term Purpose - One becomes a Settlor within the Eternal Trusts ecosystem by purchasing ET Tokens. This initiates the process of decomposing the objective into multiple smaller tasks and storing it on the blockchain until a solution arises. 
  • Oracles vote for the best solution - A randomized pool of Oracles, consisting of experts, organizations, and AI-algorithms, regularly votes using smart contracts to select the most optimal portfolio of solutions for the purpose.
  • Providers compete to fulfill the Purpose
  • Providers, consisting of companies in fields related to the Purpose, compete to fulfill it in the most optimal way.
  • The Purpose is fulfilled optimally - Oracles choose the most reliable Providers and ensure that the purpose is fulfilled with the highest degree of quality. 
  • Trust-like Agreement
  • Cryptoasset Management
  • Hybrid Intelligence
  • ET Token

The token holders whose token balance exceeds some threshold number are called DAO Directors. They can vote for collective decisions about modifications to the whole system and integrations with external services.

There are several levels of rights for DAO participants: the right to cast a vote (1st level), the right to issue proposals for setting up the Purpose Execution Flow (2d level), the right to offer proposals and initiate voting to change the structure and parameters of the whole DAO (3d level).

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