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Arena Space - Worldwide chain of VR amusement parks

ARena Space is a chain of 6 functioning amusement parks that uses the augmented and virtual reality technologies. Through ICO we will become the first global parks chain with internal payments based on the blockchain technology. More than 20 000 clients have already tried our attractions and left completely satisfied.
Projeck Arena Space

  • Proven Business-Model
Six VR-parks are already functioning successfully. We use a proven working business model of an amusement VR park to attract investment expanding square and maximum capacity
  • Unique VR Technologies and Products
Our own R&D laboratory creates unique VR/AR attractions and content, such as SKALA (interactive climbing wall), Full Immersion VR (Free Roam VR System), VR Robot Simulator, Interactive Avatar. In addition, we have built strong partnerships with a large number of technology partners and amusement attractions to ensure the maximum supply of products in our parks.
  • Profitability and Return On Invest
Thanks to the constant digital content renewal and excellent services, the number of repeat customers is likely to be as high as 40%. We expect our park locations to reach breakeven in 3-4 months.
  • Arenacoin is Internal Currency
ARenaCoin will serve as a unified entertainment crypto currency that will connect parks, customers, partners and franchisees, providing each with its own advantages and benefits. The ICO start is scheduled for the end of 2017. Cost of the ARenaCoin token will be $0.9-1.5. Invested funds targeted at $ 8.1 million.

Typical Park

A virtual and interactive entertainment park for the whole family with an area of 500 sqm. It consists of several thematic zones with unique space-multimedia installations and active interactive elements that provide guests with the widest choice of impressions and cover a diverse audience of visitors.

4 Base Zone in Each Park

  •  VR Park

Dozens of attractions that cover a wide spectrum of tastes and serve a sizeable audience, children, families and groups, with multiplayer content and VR cyber-tournaments
  • Full Immersion VR
A group experience with full VR immersion, freedom of movement for group of 4-10 people and long-lasting amazing content - quests, shooters with a high average ticket
  • Immersive interactive quest
Immersive interactive quest with addition of virtual and augmented reality, projection walls, attractions for small children and a digital animator
  • Cafe and a Party Room
For client birthdays parties and celebrations


Staff is charged to sale and knows their customers and content. They provide excellent service in every zone. You want to return here again and again.

Arena Park Manager

For park management system we use our proprietary ARena Park Manager system:
  • CRM / ERP management system of park processes
  • Park clients relations, management of franchisee locations
  • Control of cash transactions in accordance with the number of game launches and game session duration - a tool for checking personnel on premises.
Also, Arena Park Manager will become the basis for building a decentralized parks management system using blockchain technology, which will allow to improve security and transparency for clients and partners, and also to use it as a park management system in any amusement park in the world.

World Wide Project

It has a physical location and has an operating park 
The Space Arena has 6 parks already operating in Moscow, the first park was launched in September 2016 and was built in just 1 month. And 2 parks are in process. The details can be seen below: 
ICOs are really risky especially if they only have road maps / even years to complete. The worst case is the ICO scam. With Arena Space, I can say it's less risky because they are already working, operating and developing. 

Budget Distribution Of The Raised Capital

Token Distribution by Type of Expenditures


Novel virtual and augmented reality technologies,computergamesindustry, immersive theater, and best practices of amusement parks are creating an incredible level of immersion, thus providing new opportunities for story telling.
Old models of entertainment are replaced by players, who bet on agreater level of immersion, personalized experience, and edutainment

ARena Space is base don these and other achievements of the entertainment industry.
Key parameters of the park:
  • level of client immersion in to the story line;
  • use of latest technology;
  • wide product offer;
  • avariety of content (more than 25 attractions and hundreds of pieces of content);
  • regularly updated scenarios;
  • high quality of service;
  • unique software for park management-ARena Park Manager;
  • payment ecosystem for partners/customers through theme chanism of “localcurrency” ARenaCoin.


Goal:HardCap— $850thousand
Goal:HardCap— $30,35million

15 (25) Nov — 25 Dec 2017
Goal: 8.2 million USD
Value of Arena Coin: 0.90 to 1.50 $

Other important details:
Official website:
Bitcointalk ANN:
Bounty link:
Official channels at social media:

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