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CAPVERTO Exchange - The Platform Future Banking

CAPVERTO Exchange is a digital currency based on a versatile utility token that greatly extends the basic advantages of cryptocurrency through a design directly addressing the needs of populations most frequently excluded from banking.

Inclusive banking systems are engines of economic growth and poverty reduction. Without access to the full spectrum of banking services, unbanked populations must resort to outlets like microcredit networks and payday lenders to fulfill their financial needs, despite the high interest rates, steep fees and limited overall flexibility of such options. The unbanked need fairer, more flexible alternatives.

Cryptocurrencies hold considerable promise in these respects. They do not require the complex infrastructure and  bureaucracy of traditionally centralized finance, nor do participants in their ICOs need to possess extensive financial histories or travel in person to any branch offices – both common barriers for unbanked individuals. Participation is often as straightforward as passing a few security verifications to open an online account, and it comes with the central benefit of fewer and lower transaction fees.

Digital currencies have gained traction by decentralizing and simplifying the financial tasks that once passed exclusively through traditional institutions and, in the case of payment card use, were costly because they required multiple parties to process. However, these projects have not yet specifically targeted the needs of the unbanked/underbanked. Whitepaper

About Capverto:

Extensive management of an account structure is motors of monetary development and lack of destruction. Without access to the full range of management of account administration, despite irreconcilable population to meet the needs of high debt, recruitment fees and such favorable options such as microcredit systems and pedday banks, to transform their funds-related needs into outlets. needed.

Unbanked requires more attractive, more adaptive options.

In these cryptographic forms of money there is an impressive guarantee. They do not need to bring back the mind-blowing structure and administration together, nor do they have to face extensive monetary history or travel in front of any branch workplace in their ICO - general for both unrelated people Obstacles

In order to pass some security checks to open an online record, the interest is regularly clear, and it happens with the central benefit of low and low exchange expenditures.

To date, advanced monetary forms have taken steps by decentralizing and streamlining the money related ventures, which were once expensive by conventional organizations and due to the use of cash card use that they needed many meetings in the process. In any case, these tasks have not yet focused on the requirements of unbanked / underbank.

Primary Features and Main Opportunities
  • Prepaid Card Program - CAPVERTO prepaid cards are bridges between fiat money and cryptocurrency. 
  • Secure P2P Lending and Borrowing - CAPVERTO Exchange is a platform for secure and convenient P2P transfers.
  • Copy Trading Platform - CAPVERTO makes it easy to follow and copy the trades and portfolios of others.
  • Cryptocurrency Insurance - One of the first offerings of its kind, CAPVERTO's cryptocurrency insurance product provides peace of mind that your valuable assets are as safe as possible from theft. 
  • Extensible Smart Contracts - CAPVERTO offers an open source framework for building custom blockchain applications.

CAPVERTO Exchange is offering an ICO targeting the unbanked/underbanked, ensuring they have opportunities to harness the unique benefits of cryptocurrency. It bridges the worlds of fiat money and cryptocurrency by combining an international prepaid card program linked to innovative banking and trading features centered on the CAP utility token.

All CAPVERTO Exchange features influence the value of CAP, meaning its price is a reflection of productive activities rather than uninformed speculation. Assets within CAPVERTO Exchange may also be protected with cryptocurrency insurance.

With the growing advantages and expanding use cases of prepaid cards in mind, CAPVERTO Exchange has made them integral to its initial coin offering (ICO) and cryptocurrency product suite. All prepaid cards within the platform are available to users and investors internationally, to serve as a bridge between the realm of fiat money – in which prepaid cards are already prominent and are becoming more instrumental with time – and the novel domain of cryptocurrency.

 Join Us Today. Link

Token Details

Token :CAP
Price 1 CAP = 1.82 USD
MVP/Prototype :Available
Platform :Ethereum
Accepting :ETH
Soft cap :1,125,000 CAP
Hard cap: 171,375,000 CAP


Q4 / 2017 - The concept is born.
Q1 / 2018 - The concept is in development.
Q2 / 2018 - Private sale of CAP Tokens.
Q3 / 2018 - Public sale of CAP Tokens.
Q4 / 2018 - Security and performance test. Launch of the official Capverto Platform.
Q1 / 2019 - Launch of app to iPhone and Android. 
Q2 / 2019 - Launch of Whitelabel solution.
Q4 / 2019 - Launch of Merchant payment solution.

For Information



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