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Moirai ICO - Financial or Information Market


Introduction Moira

A prediction market is a form a financial or information market, where the participants trade in contracts whose payoff depends on unknown future events1 . It is based on the efficient market hypothesis. The market price will be the best predictor of the event, in a truly efficient prediction market, and no combination of other information can be used or applied to improve the marketgenerated forecasts. However, it is unlikely that prediction markets are literally efficient. Essentially, prediction market allows participants to stake bets on the probability of occurrence of various events taking place2, such as events related to elections, sports, weather, entertainment, etc. The individuals participating in the markets, by buying shares or ‘betting on’ for a particular a specific outcome, are rewarded on the basis of the accuracy of their prediction. A prediction market can be defined as:
A place where individuals can wager on the future events’ outcomes.
These markets are regarded as an ‘exchange’ where an organisation and individual can tap intothe ‘wisdom of the crowd’ for predicting results or asking any question. The prediction markets, similar to the practice of the financial markets, assign a traded price to a belief about the future. They are considered as a disruptive innovation that has yet to penetrate mass investor audience due to the fragility of the existing centralised implementation and excessive regulations. A truly disruptive prediction market platform needs to be universal, decentralised, and permission less. In essence, a prediction market is a vehicle for aggregating information about a future event’s expected outcome. Prediction markets frame themselves as questions about the future, unlike traditional financial markets. For instance, in the context of US elections, a question would be: 
Which party will win the White house in 2020? Here, shares are divided among pre-defined options (e.g. Democratic, Republican and Other) with corresponding share prices equalling €1. The share price of each option reflects its probability of occurrence. Individuals have an incentive to purchase shares, which reflect their beliefs about the outcome. The shares of the winning option become redeemable for €1, while other shares become worthless.

Types of Prediction Markets
Applications of the Prediction Market
Over the years, there are a growing number of web-based event markets, which are often run by companies providing a range of gambling and trading services. Some prominent examples include and Prediction markets have been applied in various domains successfully. Mostly, prediction markets were used for the medium-term and short-term forecasts. However, these markets have a huge potential in long-term forecasting and evaluation. Following are some of the previous fields of application for medium- and short-term forecasts:

Moirai’s Objectives
Moirai aims to become a disruptive force in various global markets systematically. These markets include finance, insurance, sports betting, political event prediction, and information. Moirai’s prediction markets will provide unique incentivisation opportunities for both global and  10 local economies. Its platform is based on a decentralised network. Following are Moirai’s main objectives:
  • To create new economic opportunities and more efficient avenues for crowdsourcing and aggregating information through customised information searching. The power of search in inclusive and decentralised.
  • To build an efficient and effective forecasting tool by bridging real world events to the blockchain via prediction markets and oracles.
  • To establish a global open prediction market platform and become the standard for predictive assets. 
Token Trading
The financial working structure of Moirai is based on the use of a cryptographic token system which is also named as Moirai Token or the MOI. Likewise other cryptographic currency; MOI is also designed as fractionally divisible, interchangeable, and transferable. Usability and Objectives of MOI
Usability and Objectives of MOI
  • Generalisation of Cryptographic Currency for Public
  • Contribution of MOI for Sustainable Economy
  • Aspects of Liquidity and Instability

Moirai Project Development

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy for any business plays a vital role in its success and growth pertaining to profitability. In order to make the new venture of Moirai successful in the prediction industry, there would be required an effective marketing strategy to be designed and implemented. In the prediction businesses, the business strategy often also acts as the marketing strategy and so is the case of Moirai, where the focus is to align both strategies in the same direction. Generally, the marketing strategy is based on the components including the match of buyers with the sellers and the clarity in the contact statements in the trade10.

Financial Analysis

Moirai is raising approximately $5,000,000 USD, denominated in ETH in the token sale. The amount of funds raised is split approximately evenly between the development of platform and application.

MOI Token:

Moirai tokens (MOI) will be implemented as an ERC20-compatible token over the public Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum-based tokens have quickly become the industry-standard for issuing custom digital assets.
ERC20-compatibility utilizes powerful infrastructure of the Ethereum blockchain and provides access to its robust development tools, exchanges and wallets. Furthermore, it ensures security and high liquidity of the token’s ecosystem, without a need of running an independent blockchain network. Finally, the ability to deploy trust-less smart contracts allows for transparent and secure way of profit-sharing among token holders in a fully decentralized manner.


MOI Token holders are entitled to 15% of Moirai profits. The percentage of share will depend on the amount of tokens held. Profits will be distributed quarterly via Ethereum smart-contracts. The tokens will also be tradable on the secondary market.


The token creation and distribution process will be organized around Ethereum-based smart-contracts. Only 300,000,000 MOI tokens will be issued.

Team‘s MOI coins will be locked by a smart contract:
40,00,000 of token supply will be allocated to Moirai’s development team. The coins dedicated to the
team will be locked by a smart contract for 12 months. This will motivate Moirai team to achieve success and increase MOI coin value

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