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CYBR - Holystic, Cyber Security Solution for the Blockchain

The CYBR Ecosystem is a holistic, cyber security solution for the blockchain which ensures secure smart transactions occur via a portal designed to provide real-time safeguards, countermeasures and threat intelligence to the CYBR community as well as other crypto entities and exchanges who rely on our cyber security solutions.

CYBR ecosystem is powered by BlindSpot, a proprietary, powerful CYBR security engine which identifies and disrupts bad actor and associated illicit file activity that seeks to affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of crypto smart contract transactions.

CYBR commercializes and monetizes emerging threat intelligence by turning the data into actionable intelligence. CYBR users are rewarded with CYBR tokens for their direct threat intelligence contributions to the CYBR ecosystem.

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about cybersecurity, and the risks associated with the blockchain ecosystem. Hackers and other cybercriminals are continuously trying to hack into blockchain networks to get their hands on user information, as well as their digital tokens.

As a recent example, there was a major theft that took place on the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, Zaif, which saw losses of approximately $58 million. The crypto community may see up to $1B in total theft in 2018 alone, and if the trend holds, the problem may get worse next year and beyond. And, while cyber threats of this magnitude do not happen every day, they are, unfortunately, rather common threats faced by the blockchain industry. Website


The CYBR Ecosystem incorporates a web portal where CYBR users (the community) login to ensure secure smart transactions occur. The portal offers numerous capabilities including threat alerts, address and website verification, sending/receiving of tokens, BlindSpot downloads, and support including an FAQ, as well as access to the proprietary CYBR database of current, known and emerging threats. This portal provides real-time safeguards, countermeasures and threat intelligence to the CYBR community as well as other crypto entities and exchanges. 


CYBR is an ever-expanding compendium of information combined with software that will be optimized for the blockchain. CYBR is a security solution that will endeavor to secure wallets, smart contract transactions and related activities that take place in the blockchain space. CYBR ecosystem is powered by BlindSpot, a proprietary CYBR security engine which identifies and disrupts bad actor and associated illicit file activity that seeks to affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of crypto smart contract transactions.


Symbol: CYBR
Total supply: CYBR
Priced: 0.08$
Accepting: ETH
Start ICO: 15 Oct 2018
End ICO: 30 Nov 2018
Softcap: 2.000.000$
Hardcap: 15.000.000$

More Information

Telegram: http://tg//join?invite=IpnOJQ6irqRQU3RpE414lA


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