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Papusha - Rocket Technology ICO

In the 1980s the most powerful rocket engine in the world was created for the Soviet Buran space program. To test this rocket engine, as a member of the group of scientists A.I. Papusha created the world’s largest combustion chamber - carbon monoxide afterburner (CO).

The created rocket engine in the exhaust gases of the jet stream contains 1,000 kg of carbon monoxide per second. For 180 seconds, it throws out the amount of carbon monoxide that is equal to the emissions of all Moscow vehicles during a day. To entirely burn carbon monoxide, for the first time A.I. Papusha applied a new type of multi-stage transonic combustion (speed ~ 1,000 m/s) with an extremely high additional input of water and oxygen. This made it possible to achieve a thousand-fold reduction in the emission of carbon monoxide from 1,000 down to 1 kg/sec.

Papusha Rocket is the latest technology to destroy oil refineries residues around the world. Instead of destroying flora and fauna, refineries get gasoline and diesel fuel for selling. PRT ICO produces small-capacity oil refining units to process black oil fuel and produce liquid fuel by using the transonic combustion technology. Every day refineries worldwide generate 1.35 million tons of residues. Depending on its capacity, one PRT-2 unit processes 30-90 tons of wastes per day. The market requires dozens of thousands of PRT-2 units.

Market Problems in the oil industry market - Oil refineries are surrounded by storages and lakes with useless black mass which pollute the planet. Such use of "black gold" is unacceptable. Such use of "black gold" is unacceptable. This will lead to the ecological disaster for the next 100 years. We cannot let it happen!

Advantahes Of the PRT Installation:
  • Efficiency - Compact PRT units allow to receive up to 60% of liquid fuel from the total processed mass.
  • Cost - The cost of PRT installation is about $2 millions.
  • Payback - Payback is just one year.

Our common goal is to maintain and improve the ecological situation all over the world for us and our children.

All countries of the world that have refineries (oil refineries) face the same unsolvable problem – storage and utilization of oil refinery residues. When processing modern high-gravity oil grades, the share of residues reaches a high value, about 10-20%. Is this much or little? In absolute terms, it goes about 10 million barrels of oil per day or about 1 million 350 thousand tons.

Most refineries are now surrounded by storages and lakes that contain useless black mass polluting the planet’s surface. Every year the amount of residues continues growing. The existing solutions on processing residues (thermal and chemical cracking) are too expensive and at the same time have a low effect.

How Does it work
  • Oil processing generates a lot of residues, which are of little use and are a threat to the ecology of the entire planet.
  • Small-sized PRT-2 processing unit uses the contents of such ponds as raw materials. 
  • The valuable raw materials obtained in an environmentally friendly manner are accumulated in special tanks that are ready for further transportation and sale.
Countries and companies engaged in refining, will receive the following advantages, using the Papusha Rocket Technology:
  • obtain liquid goods from unused raw materials;
  • environment improvement;
  • highly efficient processing of heavy oil, etc..

Date: August 22 - October 22
Token name: PRT
Blockchain: Ethereum
Standart: ERC20
Minimum amount: 100 PRT
Soft Cap: no
Hard Cap: 13,500 ETH
Accepted: ETH
Total tokens: 100,000,000
Available for sale: 75%
Price of the token: 1 ETH= 3,500 PRT

For Information


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